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Thread: Sini

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Battle Record
    Awards Biter Award


    Tarsis faced their day o' reckoning-- granted they'd hoisted chests from a dragon's lair;
    I thus waged a plague o' pain and pestilence; purple, poison breath brought forth poisoned air
    That day, decay and festering swept the streets décor'd in voiceless death and voided stares;
    No noise, except their brains and skeletons being sizzled away by my toxic coil's ensnare
    Though they'd regretted it, I, raided treasureless, was left only this cave to rest within
    Unawakened ever since.. 'til now, as the traitor begs for help in shameless desperateness
    Each leg is trembling, as he kneels at me, and squeals, "Sini", for Tarsis faces precipice
    Simply for the sake of great benevolence, I shall aid his nation of knaves and selfish-wit;
    Imbue their blades with venom vile, nasty and virulent; so ghastly, no vaccine can serum it
    Even a basilisk basked in it would croak badly-- though sadly, don't ask me if tears emit-
    For we slay our foes gladly. Our march inward's nigh; As the Fire Dragon paints ember skies,
    'O Frost brings Winter's rise, Shadow's shade flickers by, and Death's hapless victims die,
    My breath shall wither rye.. my claws shall render blight.. and my wings shall then arise;
    Flap once, the winds'll writhe-- flap twice, and they'll whip up a toxin vortex, twister-size
    We set forth toward Tarsis' entrance, as claws rip through squadrons of guards and defenses
    The field's filled with carcass, and souls stricken nauseous from noxiously toxic incisions
    Launched from faraway targeting distance (the marksman precision of Artemis gripping a bow,)
    My saliva's spit, sticks to prey, and nips away at their armament's armor equipment alone..
    It seeps through their chestplates, then strips and corrodes them skinless as bones dissolve
    While they're quivering and whimpering, I listen to the sharp hissing and moans, enthralled
    Their bridgade-- they do retreat.. but in the air, a virus ingested to paralyze is effective
    They can no longer move their feet, or breathe; it seems they've a flare of sinus congestion.
    All they can do is shriek, as my tail curls around them in pairs to tighten them breathless
    'Til they're introduced to teeth, and I feast-- pleased once my share of knights is digested
    I belch out a new disease, before I bash my skull like a battering-ram through castle walls,
    Smashing all that's in my view to see, from the raiders, to the obelisks of its fragile halls
    Then return outside to find dead human beings, suffocated in the new disease's putrid breeze
    (Troops o' the king had an immunity, but you should've seen when I caught the flu and sneezed)
    Deer, racoons and sheep who had breathed it turned to mutant-breed, flesh-consuming beasts;
    The rate they grew increased to new extremes of huge, exceeding the cubic feet of 22 atleast,
    From toxic sewage stream fluid-drinks, and chewing meat from corpses of a platoon's deceased
    So in a game of go-fetch, I throw flesh into the keep; where the throne rests its pseudo-queen..
    My pets have yet returned, but rest assured. I'm less concerned, as bloodshed is heard inside;
    Squirms and cries, as men are torn to shreds and burned alive in the sulphuric fumes released,
    When I bellowed in a mighty roar, "To every blight below the surface side of Earth.. arise!",
    And the tulip-tree roots secreted their impurities, purging whoever inhaled its gruesome stink
    If you believe the stomach acid of another hundred dragons, even with sulphurous break-downs
    Could match Sini's sudden gastric effects, digesting food before he can feel full for his prey now?..
    Watch a man be devoured, as poison enzymes then fry him before he can make noises inside;
    Before the screams of his voice can arrive, and the bulge in my belly can be point at ten times
    This is not an agony explained; you cannot grasp his ceaseless pain, or laughs as he's filleted
    An attempt to replicate the pleasure, or fathoming's insane; how foul, bubbling acids eat away,
    Like the blight which smites this site of battle seen today, turning the grass' green to gray,
    A predator capturing its prey.. engulfing, swallowing it whole, as it, with rapid ease, decays
    They say that poison brings only corruption; that its fruit stems where every Sin begins...
    That its trail leaves behind smoldering destruction, and marks where every society ends...
    ..But where they see a path of devastation, I see a purge of injustice, to make amends...
    Where they see the Earth cast to desecration, I see the waters which flood it, to cleanse

    This could be the calamity of offers with no amnesty or coffers..
    The black oiled paint drips with half faded blood stained vanity of a law firm..
    So sits the Subject subjected to all this amongst a Majesty of Faulters..
    And the savagery don't falter or fall apart to call it off as cavities halter..
    The air breeds as a foundry of monotony clouding foul scenes of the menage; it reeks..
    As decomposing hours streak a sour ease of power where this sole soulless council seats..
    Brown beaten Mahogany greets with sounds of trickery from Hells founder in speech..
    While Party A sits thumbing pages to contemplate an agree while dumbfounded of greed..
    Impatient, the infectious host pushes to have this unholy of Nexuses eloped..
    And trecherous hopes find growth as the neck relishes the most threatening groans..
    The Subject nervous, shifts and notes a black rose undergoing Necrosing tones..
    Like exorcist omens, deathly tomes. Wore in the face of this Lender like a necklace or cologne..
    Now the Borrower wonders "why did this opportunity knock.? Is it possibly crock.?"
    Maybe its drunk dreaming leaving the mind stumped, believing the possible foolery mocks..
    Then reality chimes like novelty clocks as the pen becomes alive and nonchalanty jots..
    "This is your sins being repaid." The pen then barbs the hand to be the Proprietarys prop..
    The Demonic voice yells "You either going to sign or die in this Hell.!"..
    And while the thoughts cliched, the Subject feels conveyed to say "This is quite expensive to sell"..
    "Even you would find the legalities a strain on mentalities. And I must say its doing it well"..
    A pause before an answer which strikes like a cancer. "Your here because the way the cards fell"..
    "Hardly dealt a bad hand, but damn, certainly a horror to how this little sin dwelled"..
    Minds racing now, spacing out. Staring at etchings in a Throne, picturing sketches of a home..
    A place where this mellow Federalistic drone watched a seven year exiled Exodus grow..
    Ignoring Heavenly ohms from deafening throws that pointed out every evidence known..
    The Subject was too happy in forgetting the blows that bruised one's pettiless moans..
    And so sits that pain in a pane of glass painfully painting the price of the past..
    Sealing strife in the strikes that struck so stainfully now severly syphoning like sand..
    But there's no flipping the hourglass, for once that last hours past- the signing is had..
    It'll be iron clasps binding the hands and Subjects blood left smeared on the ivory pad..
    But now shifts the sand and the reminding is mindfully mad that right now the time is at half..
    "I think I need some water." A simple tatic stall. "Fine, but this is only getting harder"..
    Its really nerve slaughtering taking all this in and finding the roots to what is bartered..
    No fine print but exact note to risk "emotional or physical pain" will marry at this legal alter..
    "I need to make a call." Said Subject suddenly in grin. "To ensure the validity of this offer"..
    Stepped out the room where nostalgic, estrogen loomed. Abberation left to fester the womb..
    Talked of Heaven and moves to leverage the doom and find a solid exiting ruse..
    All while the pestilence swoomed and shrouded around the taunting text to construe..
    It was an effort to woo the mind and heart of this, whom displayed a jestering muse..
    Back to the chair. "Do we have a deal.?" The question came with burning confidence..
    "I've certainly learned alot from it." Response said like a slap of working dominance..
    And the dance done like a Prom of kids. When appeared a shadow of the Omninent..
    The thunderous voices clashed. "This is my dwelling and I'm in control.!"
    "Yes, but this Subject's of my children and I have a right to console.!"
    "Well you have no legal options and I think you'll find the Sin in the life played a roll"
    "You foul creature, I've sat on High watching this unfold, the contract nulled when you Stole this Soul.!"

    At that Satan fell defeated. And I remembered as I ascended with the Lord, his promise..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Battle Record
    Awards Biter Award

    Re: Sini


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