lose your bitterness
englishgirl with raven hair
remember the peacekeeper you once were
before i sank my claws in deep
remember the softness in your stride
your feminine Caplet
those delicate hands
how quiet your spirit was before
destruction arrived from the chrystalline pines
reflect within your tiny rivers
build fires in your garden
burn a candle, just for flame
forget about amsterdam -
we didn't love eachother then
forget the violence
forget Canada
forget that i once breathed for you
but remember who you are
do not become obsessed
with material things
do not find comfort in a bottle
do not make money your god
do not have selfish sex
do not mess with one's head -
you know that gets messy
i write this, only to tell you
that i still write for you
although it is unseen and unheard
i still have a voice
i am still a vision
you know
i have collected the pretty shiny memory of you
and pressed it into me
like a morphine kiss
intoxicating and deadly
- Twiz