cypher definatley took this, his shit made me think of the woods ya know
(any claims on that yet?)
222 you shoulda had more consentrate when its a design, i coulda made that shit on paint, but you where probably jus doing sumthing quick no biggy
cypher definatley took this, his shit made me think of the woods ya know
(any claims on that yet?)
222 you shoulda had more consentrate when its a design, i coulda made that shit on paint, but you where probably jus doing sumthing quick no biggy
7-6 cypher..uppin
if i can vote my vote goes ta 222 they were both simple but i like his more it sticks out more and is mysterious looking and i like that
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Tyrone Cloyd
(i didnt kno him but my boy lil fire did and when one homie is hurting we all are)
Im not in the league so i dont no if this counts but just in case
v/two.. i wasnt really feelin either of them but cyphers jus wasnt good at all
8-7 for me..uppin..
uppin...8-7 me
7-7 Freeza's vote doesn't count because he didn't specify who he voted for just described the works, he cannot edit his post so next vote will determine the winner.
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murder murder
ToTwoToo wins (1-0), Cypher loses (0-1)
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