As incandescent rays of light penetrate the frost bitten glass of my window I rise
My sky now cascades the brightest of blues from above me as I catch my reflection
Unfamiliar tears race each other along my sullen cheeks as I turn my gaze away
You left me here, no longer do your liquid fingers reach out to cleanse my pain
The rhythmic calmness of your voice still echoes clear in my mind and I grasp it
With urgency I close my eyes and breathe deep, perhaps your scent still lingers
But only the fragrance of freshly bloomed daises consoles me, do I cease to breathe?
I draw closed my blinds and again I find my bed, for this day I do not wish to begin
Let yesterday consume tomorrow so today shall never exist, bring forth the distant rolls
Let my night sky once again be illuminated with your presence as you sing to me a lullaby
Let me feel your touch against my naked skin as together we become consumed as one
Arms come to my side to comfort me, wrapping me in their embrace their words deafen me
“It was never meant to last, but never think you are alone, for one day you shall be reunited”
How could such disintegrating words hold such a solidified grasp on the remains of my heart?
I push away consolation in return welcoming forth the bitterly cold fingers of remorseful regret
The smiling faces that surround me sicken me, and I close my doors to the laughter of children
You told me to always turn to you in times of need, but where are you now I need you most?
Taken from me to suddenly, I cry for the last storm you brought forth on my request
And I pray that one day soon, my lord will return me to the rain he stole from me today.
Seriously, I Loved This Piece. Emotion Being Its Strongest Aspect, Yet Mixed With Powerful, Moving, Imagery That Held Me Captive As I Read It, That Symbolises True Writers Voice When Touched By The Essesnce Of The Piece As I Was With This. It Gave Off A Real Feel Of Atmosphere And Depth That many Try To Clone But rarely Can Adapt Their Styles To Suit. Im Not Sure Varentao Would Agree With All My Statements Here As I Am Not A Poet, But As A Writer Myself - Thats How I Felt About This. A Great Piece And A Nice Addition To Legends. Props Soultress! - Camarac