Yeah it's easier to give up than to try and perfect
When all that’s left of it all is a damn wreck
And I realize your life just wasn't makin any sense
But did you have to leave me talkin in the past tense?

“Nothing Ever Bothers Me” were the exact words that you said
Til the words that they started sayin started fuckin with your head
And you began seein bits of truth in some of what they spit
And it started eating at you, little bit by bit
That strength thing you had so much of, like a dyin flower it began to wilt
The world you thought you knew so well, unbalanced, so it began to tilt
You were golden, you had it all but now no one knows where “all” went
The past was over, you couldn't see the future, but you couldn’t face the present
And your whole life, it had always been easy, but it started to crash
Crumbling down, at a superhuman pace, it all happened in a flash
Your place was cold and empty when it needed most to be warm and full
I'm guessin the push factors were no doubt outweighin the pull
This life was tempting to live but the exit's appeal grew, and you wanted to go fast
You wanted out of it so bad i'm wondering if you ever really wanted it to last
Those little blue tablets you took, They hit your system pretty quick
You were gone before you could even tell us how this world is sick
