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Thread: Front Lines Rules

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Infekted Penz
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    Front Lines Rules

    Front Lines Rules

    Table of Contents:
    1. General Battle Rules
    2. Voting Related Rules
    3. Where do I arrange battles?
    3. How to Set Up a Battle
    4. Definition of Terms
    6. Where do I report rule breaking?

    Breaking most of these rules is bannable or DQable or both. The rules found in this thread apply to this and other battle forums (where appropriate), and override conflicting rules.

    1-General Battle Rules

    1.No ghostwriting. If someone else writes lines for you, you are banned and so is your ghostwriter. Ghostwriting is plagiarism. Penalty: Lifetime ban.

    2.No Biting. Biting is stealing lines from other people. Penalty: Lifetime ban.

    3. No Recycling. Write new shit and keep it original. Penalty: DQ from the battle.

    4.NO SWAYING. Swaying is making comments about your opponent's verse, or bitching about votes. Penalty: DQ from the battle

    5. No Freeposting. Freeposting is any post which isn't a check in, a verse, your 7 up's, or a vote. Or posting something in a battle besides a vote, when it does not involve you. Penalty: Lifetime ban.

    6. Seven 'free' up's are allowed. If you post more than twice (counting check in's) before both verses are posted, we count that as an up. Penalty: DQ. if your battle is still open after exhausting all of your free ups, then you may vote on another battle and post the link in your thread in order to up it. Each time you do this, you must vote on another battle. Anyone caught re-using links will be DQ'd.

    7. 2 Link Rule-For every battle. Every participant has to have links to battles he/she voted on recently within 48 hours of setting the thread(or its a dq at a mods discretion). Using the same link in different battles is an instant dq.(If you do not have 50 posts to vote,leave feedback on three battles anyways and link them). If you win and your links aren't in there, you will not get the win on your record so be sure to get links immediately.

    8. Saying "Return the favor" and other similar comments are not going to be tolerated. After your vote include your link at the end, with no other comments. Penalty: DQ (on the link you include or battle you mention)

    9. Voting rings = banned for life. If you have a group of "AIM buddies" or "PM
    Pals" that you ask and get votes from, you are banned and they are banned.

    10. If you post a link without voting, mods will follow the link and DQ you.

    11. Do not ask anyone to vote on your battle, except by providing them with
    a link at the end of your vote. Do not PM, AIM, or otherwise ask anyone to vote on your battle. That is unfair & you will be banned.

    12. Do not do anything that would provide you with an unfair advantage or that would discourage anyone from voting fairly or participating in Front Lines. Do not do anything stupid like voting on battles which aren't finished yet or voting on battles which aren't completed. Penalty for both: Ban

    13. No Pics in a battle. Do not include pictures of any kind in your text battles. This includes pic(s) of your opponent, something to help voters see a picture your verse, direct links to a pic, etc. This is not allowed. The only time it is allowed is if you state it in the rules and your opponent checks in and agrees. Links to a general thread is ok... Penalty for this: Dq'ed

    14. All Battles in FL require a minimum number of 10 lines. If you drop any less than 10 lines, you will be DQ'ed and win given to the opponent. If both drop less than 10 lines, then the battle is closed and no win given. If no specific limit is agreed upon, 2nd poster must match 1st poster. No more dropping dots or numbers. There must be actual words. DQ's will happen at a mod's discretion.

    15. If both persons do not check in their battle within 24 hours of the matchup being set, then this battle will be closed and moved. This is to prevent the no show clutter getting lost in the black hole behind all the other open matches.

    16. All battles are ranked. There is no exception unless a mod is making the thread for a specific reason.

    [17. Only 5 open battles in FL at a time once the sixth one is opened and the offender drops a verse he will be dqued

    18. No feeding off an opponent's verse. It doesn't matter who dropped 1st, you can't flip lines your opponent used to gain an advantage.

    19. Do NOT set up a battle and say it's due whenever. Any battle with a due time more than 72 hours or one that isn't clearly defined will be closed

    2-Voting Related Rules

    1. No unexplained votes are allowed. What counts as an explained vote? At least three lines of feedback which completely cover the posting space. You can use other forms of feedback as well but they will not be looked at by the moderators. Here is an example of a vote, I have bolded the part that you must have in your votes. If you do not, your vote will be dq'ed and you will be dq'ed from the link you left.

    1) Picking the best lines followed by a short breakdown of why you felt that way

    XXX you're a chump, you'll never be better
    which is why you have a name composed of three letters


    YYY you have no friends, all you do is sit alone at home
    This dude is so wack, he even needed an extra chromosome

    YYY was more personal, but he didn't have as many good punches as XXX did. XXX was more consistent and didn't have any lines of filler. YYY had a few lines which weren't interesting cuz they didn't have punches. XXX won this battle because he was more creative and had more punches.

    without the breakdown, your vote will be DQ'd

    3) A short summary of both verses explaining who got your vote and why

    This battle was pretty even. XXX had a couple of heavy hits like the cum and defeat lines but faded towards the end. YYY's momma jokes were ok but he was more consistent imo...

    vote YYY

    4) A complete breakdown

    A bar by bar breakdown of every line. This is the only way you can just say vote whoever at the end

    2. No crew votes are permitted even in the championship matches and tournaments. If you are in someone's crew, you are not allowed to vote on their battle, poll vote or otherwise. Penalty: vote is dq'ed, and possible one week ban.

    3. After you vote just leave a link to your battle with no comment. Do not make a separate post and leave the link in that post. Penalty: 1 week ban.

    4. Do not post a vote on one name, come back, quote the vote, say you are that person, and poll the vote on another name. Penalty: Lifetime Ban.

    5. Do not, after leaving your feedback on a battle, leave your link and say "I will poll my vote after you hit this" or anything along those lines... After feedback you poll your vote... Penalty: You Will Be DQ'ed In Your Battle

    3-Where do I arrange battles?

    1. You can arrange to battle someone either by PMing them or by posting a call out thread in "Bitch Slapped (the forum above this one)." Agree on battle rules in Bitch Slapped as well. Then, one of the people in the battle has to post the battle thread in Front Lines (this forum), and include the rules you agreed on. For information on how to set up the battle thread, see "How to set up a Battle."

    4-How to Set Up a Battle

    1. You are allowed to set up a battle once you and your opponent have agreed in the Bitch Slapped thread. To set up a battle click on "new topic". Add your name and your opponents name in the title. For example "Your name" vs " Your opponents name". Type in the rules that have have BOTH agreed to. Eg time limits, number of lines etc. Then click "submit new thread". It will ask you if you wish to create a poll, for that you answer yes. Put your name and your opponents name, then submit.

    5-Definition of Terms

    1. An "Up" aka "Upping" aka a "Bump" = when a battler posts in his own thread with the intent of moving it to the top of the forum after he posts. Any post other than a verse or a check in which is made by a battler in his own battle is considered an "up". Each battler is allowed 7 up's each per battle.

    2. Check in / Checking = A check in is a post someone makes in their own battle to verify that they agree with the battle rules, and that they are there for the battle. If you make the thread, that is also considered your check in. So if you make the thread, dont post anymore in the thread, and your opponent drops, you get the loss cause you made the thread which is agreeing to the battle.

    6-Where do I report rule breaking?

    1. If you have complaints of rule breaking post those complaints in the appropriate thread in Investigative Reports. Do not PM moderators
    Last edited by Wordz AhGod.; August 22nd, 2014 at 01:45 PM Reason: edited links to 2 rather then 3.

  2. #2
    I'll have the gabagool Fresh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
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    Awards FL Tournament Winner - Award nomination from Spree accepted. 75+ Wins 1-2 Punch HW Champion LLL Champion Cypher Winner OM HOF FL Champion

    ***VOTING STRUCTURE*** (Please Read)


    All votes that do not follow this guideline are subject to violation of the Front Lines code of conduct and may be challenged upon infraction for review and possible dismissal of the vote in violation. Voters shall be required to fulfill the minimum requirement for votes to count towards FL points or the battle.
    If some one is in violation of this voting code, it is the members involved in the battles' responsibility to bring it up to the current section moderators attention for review. This does not in any way mean that the vote will be disqualified as it will all bottom out to a result in the judgment of the moderator.

    **WHAT NOT TO DO**

    I hate fags like you with a passion
    so ima take my flows and start gay bashin
    i bash motha fuckers with my words and my fists
    hit a faggit in his face than i spit a diss
    cuz im a mean dude aint no bitch
    ya fuck with skittles im a handle my shit
    T is for terrible e is for elevate and x is two letters after V
    THe last T means to think again fore you ever face a floet like me
    i dont spit this i gleat it
    send ya ass away defeated
    Ima return immediately, dq'ing mcs previously/
    claimin they hungry but suffer from chronic obesity/



    Asshole A won cos I didn't like anything from Asshole b so v/Asshole A
    think u can win at this altititude? i doubt that shit dude
    i eat G's everyday in the morning with 'alphabet soup'
    I liked this bar because it was creative, your flow felt right but I think you could have done more with the wording to hit harder
    hes not a real G ya feel me? i'll leave this hoe 0 and 3
    hold ya throat as you choke ta breathe you aint dope as me
    this didn't have a good concept behind it, not much thought in the punch
    ya shit dont appeal to vets.. son in text i steel the sets
    another victim to center change ya name to the realest 'X'
    didn't like the nameflip, trying something that would take some time to think of when reading it
    you aint shit kid.. never made it through the intestines
    trickled out as piss on something new that u dressed in
    this punch didn't make much sense to me, felt like you were aiming for a rhyme scheme but no actual punch, this is a filler.
    this G knows he sucks.. so he keeps his rap life a secret
    w/ his mom his only fan thats how this cat likes to keep it!
    this bar had potential but the execution was off and ended on a symple note.

    Battler A had some good lines and I liked his opener the most, battler B wasn't as consitent and lacked personals or understanding on punch structures. I think he could have came harder if he put more thought into his lines rather then just freestyling and typing the first thing that came to mind.

    v/battler A
    Last edited by Fresh; February 22nd, 2014 at 11:31 AM

  3. #3
    I'll have the gabagool Fresh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Battle Record
    Awards FL Tournament Winner - Award nomination from Spree accepted. 75+ Wins 1-2 Punch HW Champion LLL Champion Cypher Winner OM HOF FL Champion

    Re: ***VOTING STRUCTURE*** (Please Read)

    updated. Thanks @Wordz AhGod.

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