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Thread: Thread Removed?

  1. #1

    Question Thread Removed?

    Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this

    So I made a thread in the lounge where people could download a tool I made (for free, off of mediafire) that can randomly choose which opponent should go first in a rap battle. The trick was that it always gave the same result for the same names, meaning that if you ran it, you can be assured your result would be achieved by anyone else who ran it (I explained it much better in the original thread). It was a completely fair way of randomly deciding who should go first in a battle.

    TL;DR: I'm not being salty or raging here, I'm just legitimately curious why it was removed so I can fix/avoid the problem.

    I wasn't making money off of a commercial product, it was just a .5 mB program I whipped up for the community in a few minutes. Some people even seemed to like the idea.

  2. #2
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    Re: Thread Removed?

    @Fresh said it was a shit idea and deleted it.

    Douchebag move it seemed cool to me

  3. #3
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    Re: Thread Removed?

    It's because you aren't giving away sandals with it smh

  4. #4

    Re: Thread Removed?

    Quote Originally Posted by Toretto View Post
    @Fresh said it was a shit idea and deleted it.

    Douchebag move it seemed cool to me
    Ah well. Can't please everyone. Although that seems a bit harsh. Obviously, re-posting it would *not* be a good idea, but is there hope of putting it back? I mean, it was a board for random things, and I think my thing is thingy enough...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Chicken Nigglet View Post
    It's because you aren't giving away sandals with it smh
    Sorry, I'm running out of angry hispanic women lol

  5. #5
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    Re: Thread Removed?

    I can help you out if you tryna vote

  6. #6

    Re: Thread Removed?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chicken Nigglet View Post
    I can help you out if you tryna vote
    Well, it's not the best idea for newcomers to start raising an army; that's just general advice for life and stuff. First I must lyrically destroy everyone here, then I can start pushing people around. Wanna be my first opponent?

  7. #7
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    Re: Thread Removed?


    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Far117 View Post
    Well, it's not the best idea for newcomers to start raising an army; that's just general advice for life and stuff. First I must lyrically destroy everyone here, then I can start pushing people around. Wanna be my first opponent?
    You seem like a nice guy go get some votes in and I'll talk to the people in charge about bringing back your thread

  8. #8
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    Re: Thread Removed?

    @Farcry4 it's all about votes on this site buddy, nobody really battles here we just vote
    On things.

  9. #9

    Re: Thread Removed?

    Well, I'm off to go fill my rap sheet

    (badum tss)

  10. #10
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    Re: Thread Removed?

    Join the pic battle league tho @Mass crates

  11. #11
    Administrator ILLunatic's Avatar
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    Re: Thread Removed?

    @Far117 the thread was removed due of suspicion of the file. The fact that you're new here, with less than 10 post; that file could have Trojan horses from here to China and quite frankly, I will not put it to use, let alone download it nor leave it for others to download. I can appreciate your effort (if it is genuine) but you haven't earned the trust yet for me to risk keeping a downloadable file up.

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  12. #12

    Re: Thread Removed?

    @ILLunatic Your reasoning is sound. However, a quick scan with any antivirus you choose (if you want to be especially sure, you can scan with all of them ) would show that it is indeed legit*

    In the meantime, spring break started, so you should see more of me if I'm not too busy

    *Some antivirus program list any little-known file as potentially harmful, but most that do so will tell you this. I couldn't distribute a couple games I made, which were 100% guaranteed safe, due to broken antivirus software

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