Life is my oyster and I chose to dine; magic mushrooms are so divine
Fade to black like a Hova rhyme; Chose to trip to expose the lies
Known to most as no surprise, as the wool is pulled over eyes
As the chemicals flow inside, my oath, you'll hear so close in time.

The hookah blazed, a half ounce bowl as smoke rises
A slow-toke, deep throat type hit that’s known to close eyelids
Violent blood flow through the brain, hold until the choke erupts
Been smoking for a while, but I haven’t been smoking skunk
I hear echoed words, and then the hose is passed
Now I'm sucking on both ends until I cant control my laughs

Heavy panting follows sighs, I slump back then my eyes roll
With eyes closed I focus on breathing, while all notion of time is gone
I go inward and pulse, as I move closer to my past lives
Not ancient tales, but unrecalled details from such things as last night
I'm a different person then, its like my brainwaves were jackknifed
With an unveiling of truths, shown light through a glass pipe
My head hurts badly now, then I'm awakened from my focus
"Bitch, wake your big ass up and get over here and toke this"
"Dope shit,” I mumble, playing off my obvious collapse
"Afterwards, I got something else", and he hands me the sack....

At least a 20 count of stems and caps, sit pretty inside
"Pop a bunch, you'll have some fun", words that I still despise
But currently I'm flirting with an ultra forceful high
I fade to crazed, as cartoon characters in the carpet rise
Space invaders race Daytona as Screech maims K.C Slater’s ass
Eventually I fade into some place relaxed, as my brain accepts the crash
I'm afraid of what I found, I've seen myself where it wasn't but my form
Memories so obscure, that I can only doubt what they were
I've lived and died many times since not so distant memories
And I've seen the changes, and my lives, unchanged; I cant pretend to be....