Talk that shit
Shouts @miracle
Talk that shit
Shouts @miracle
Finally. hope my opponent shows.
No ones bringing the heat, I should put them all in a corner where It's 90 Degrees.
Do mods still have to approve posts?
Ie can I drop how and it’ll stay hidden?
Not sure it worked
Maybe it did
@Bag Mandela @mv
It should be corrected. The posts that are awaiting approval will probably have to be approved still.
To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 50 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
An armed man is a citizen,
An unarmed man is a victim.
Seems fixed now
Thanks again homie
If people don’t know what verb means when he says he has a south west English accent he sounds exactly t like this
Gurt farmer accent down ere, innum?
I met one of the Wurzels down canal once, jus havin a looksee. Showed em a pikefish longer than yer arm and pleased as punch he were.
Last edited by Virbius; October 15th, 2024 at 04:35 PM
I watched that video for wayyyyy longer than I should have haha
Slayerr putting a housebrick in the oven tonight.
There are at least three sequels to this vid on youtube if you still want more.
@Virbius , i’m trying to vote on your battle but i’m genuinely confused & frustrated.
what is this?
“I wanted a break from all the beef and politics and tryna be provocative so I came in thinking I might try to keep it positive coz you’re nice with the rhymes and your themes evocative, and
…Nah fuck that! since it’s starting with Un I must mean the opposite. Let’s go!”
is that part of your verse or just a rhyming introduction that should be disregarded?