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Thread: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence

  1. #1

    Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence

    one of my personal favorite areas of research & topics of discussion are conspiracy “theories”.. i put theories in quotations because at this point, most of the theories that conspiracy buffs have spoken out about have become reality, but i’d like to know how the board feels about conspiracies & the people who peddle them. and more importantly, do you have your own you’d like to put out there?

    here are some good ones:

    did Les Harvey Oswald really pull the trigger or was there a second shooter? also, who stood the most to gain from his death?

    was 9/11 an inside job or is the “official” narrative the most probable account?

    did Covid really accidentally leak from a Chinese bio research facility or was the release of the illness a calculated occurrence perpetrated by Bill Gates & his ilk?

    are UFO’s really piloted by extraterrestrial beings from another planet or are they secret government crafts?

    speaking of extraterrestrials- are little green men actually from outer space or are they the same biblical entities referred to as demons or unclean spirits?

    is Pizzagate real???

    are the allegations of demonolatry amongst hollywood elites and political figures real or unfounded?

    are the royal family members shapeshifting reptilians??

    these are just a SMALL few. if any one has more to contribute or some inside knowledge you’d like to impart, by all means…

  2. #2
    Sites Worst Battler EyeDealIstic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2023
    Over there.
    Battle Record

    Re: Conspiracies, Coverups & Counterintelligence

    People are stupid as fuck in groups.
    What is high- My battle loss record & my blood pressure.
    What's not high- my win record or me.

    Enjoy the rest of your day.

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