If I was to take this over and redo sign ups do we got enough that wanna battle??
If I was to take this over and redo sign ups do we got enough that wanna battle??
looks like it. but try it out & let’s see.
Don’t go googling a pic of a random black man now^ cuz you & your 50 personalities are all weird faggots.
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Yes man shit is a joke and this second round most likely isn’t gonna motivate anybody else to show up
Re-do it or Mod somebody that can help run the league.
Verseman Got banned for voting for himself. what a Whack Faggot.
Jack Swallows is whiter than Justin Timberlake dropping nigga bombs. [Smh]
Lmao@ needing to hide my identity.
i don’t need aliases. i been me since i been me. you’re the coward that tried to bank on new joins now knowing the connection between your two accounts.
how much $$ we putting up?
@miracle I can help here and there but I’m super busy. I’ll get that medal for you later today.
LMFAOO you & your faggit BF was the only two pussies who didn’t know Knox was Rican continue sucking dick that’s all your good at
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Bro STFU and take a seat if you ain’t bout that ur a ginger white boy dropping Nigga Bombs
On a rap forum where you feel safe, I can’t take your faggot self serious.
Verseman Got banned for voting for himself. what a Whack Faggot.
Jack Swallows is whiter than Justin Timberlake dropping nigga bombs. [Smh]
all that chest puffing just to mask your cowardice smh. you’re entirely see through. you asked for a pic battle. i obliged. i asked how much we’re putting down on it. you’re circling the question like a terrified little bitch.
weren’t you the nigga that was gloating about how you do this for money? well put your dollars up, broke chump.
you so confident that this mental image you have of me is accurate, let’s see if you’re right.
This isn’t a facade you faggit bitch. I hate white boys like you who think they cultured. Sit your Mr. Rodger’s ass TF Down.
Who I am online is who I am in person. You know how many faggots I had to beat up after a rap event cuz of people like YOU? Stfu and take all the penis out your throat. It’s not a mental image it’s Legit and pure Facts u weird bitch.
Verseman Got banned for voting for himself. what a Whack Faggot.
Jack Swallows is whiter than Justin Timberlake dropping nigga bombs. [Smh]
Now you two have to fight.
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Originally Posted by Wuxia
yes. let’s transition into the part of the conflict where you let me know just how formidable you are when you’re not typing. when you’re in the real world where you’re peerless in combat and unscathed by the judicial repercussions of countless shows of such deadly combative prowess.
tell me more.
matter fact nigga write a book.
lol@you clutching desperately to your fever dream of bullying some white kid on the internet, even after i accepted an opportunity to clear it up. ey nigga if that’s what you need to believe in order to self justify you clearly displaying your own anti white bigotry toward someone you’ve never seen in your life then you can have that lol.
i’ma keep it moving though. it’s clear you just wanna be a dramatic bitch. ya girl probably drags shit out at home so it’s what you’re used to, but we’re grown men here.
grow up my nigga. find some peace in your fuckin life lol.
I always thought knox was quite a chilled guy but I’ve NEVER seen someone get so rattled on a text battling forum
Edit: except that geezer from fort Mayers in Florida that one time, can’t remember his username
people get triggered when they’re exposed for their egregious cowardice. suddenly the tough guy role dude been cultivating for years ain’t so believable now so nigga gotta try an resell it all over exaggeratedly.
i mean, you’d think if someone issued a challenge & that challenge was accepted, it’d be a good thing, not another excuse to duck & deflect.
i guess the narrative is more important than the truth for some. lol
He’s never stepped foot out his house he’s a homebody bitch.
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I’m the chillest guy on this forum.
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This Wigger is outta control. never seen the word Nigga being cramped into such a emotional bitch
Last edited by KnoXville.; October 26th, 2024 at 05:17 PM
Verseman Got banned for voting for himself. what a Whack Faggot.
Jack Swallows is whiter than Justin Timberlake dropping nigga bombs. [Smh]